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Obálka audioknihy The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde

Délka: 5 h 50 min
Interpret: Gerhard Symons
Vydavatel: Three Thrushes
Vydáno: 2023
Typ souboru: MP3
Velikost: 329 MB

Vypráví rodilý mluvčí z Londýna v Anglii: přeložil, zkrátil a čte Gerhard Symons.


Victorian London. One afternoon, a beautiful young man is sitting in an artist’s studio. His name is Dorian Gray. He is discussing life in the company of friends.

One of his friends convinces him that youth and beauty are the most important things in life. Dorian Gray fears growing old and ugly. He accepts this idea without question, and decides to make a terrible deal with the devil…

Every sin that Dorian commits has a cost. Every picture must be seen. Every pleasure that Dorian enjoys has a price. And Dorian will pay a terrible price for eternal youth…

© 2023 Three Thrushes

Speciální vydání audioknihy The Picture of Dorian Gray v angličtině pro středně pokročilé studenty (úroveň B1/B2). Příběh "The Picture of Dorian Gray" napsal v devatenáctém století spisovatel Oscar Wilde. Audiokniha obsahuje vhodné zvukové efekty.


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