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Obálka knihy Professional Misconduct - Erotic Short Story

Professional Misconduct - Erotic Short Story

James Cleveland

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2024
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 10

Sophie, a dedicated medical practitioner, faces the reckoning of a grave professional error. Her fate hangs in the balance as she meets with an influential lab professor whose decision could make or break her career.

Unexpectedly, their sparks fly beyond the professional realm. Meanwhile, her unsuspecting husband becomes an unintentional voyeur to their interactions - much to his delight...

James Cleveland composes his stories in the same way as he cooks, with encounters, a pinch of the unexpected, and a sprinkling of influences sprinkled over his characters. He loves intrigue and sulphurous adventures between close friends who discover each other in unlikely situations.


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